My personal story… “Life is Not a Race… It is a Journey” with the WHOLESTIC Method

The WHOLESTIC Method to Improve Your Health from the Inside Out

Fitness coach and triathlete, Debbie Potts, shares her personal story about living life as a race each day until she found herself struggling to stay awake, sidelined with muscle fatigue on her training workouts, and suddenly gaining thirty pounds. Debbie had to take a step back, assess her life, and figure out what it was that was causing her to be tire, sick, and overweight. Throughout LIFE IS NOT A RACE… you’ll discover the need to eliminate the belief that more is better in every aspect of your life, or else you will pay the consequences on your body. Learn what Debbie discovered through her own health challenges and how she transformed her life from the inside out and created The WHOLESTIC Method from her experience, as well as observations how our society encourages the glorification of being busy rather than living life as a journey… and being fully present to enjoy it!

Also coming soon is my manual I created based on my experience and education as well as multiple experts I interviewed over the years on my podcast now called “The WHOLE Athlete” podcast.  “The WHOLESTIC Method” manual and workbook:  Improve the WHOLE You from the inside out!

Improve your ability to burn fat, optimize your health and improve performance in life and sports with the “WHOLESTIC Method”.  You will learn how to transform the WHOLE you from the inside out with the eight elements of the WHOLESTIC Method that author/coach Debbie Potts has created based on 25 years plus of experience and education in the fitness industry as well as multiple interviews from experts on “The WHOLE Athlete” podcast she co-hosts.  The WHOLESTIC Method manual includes a chapter on each of the eight elements that Debbie has discovered improve your fat loss, health and performance in life and sports:
1. Nutrition
2. Exercise
3, Sleep
4. Stress
5. Movement
6. Digestion, Gut Health & Hormones
7. Hydration
8. Happiness
In “The WHOLESTIC Method” workbook, Debbie helps guide you to find your “WHY” and create a personal roadmap towards improving the WHOLE you for optimizing fat loss, health and performance.  There is not a “one size fits all” approach when searching for solutions and a WHOLESTIC plan to help you get the results you have been searching for years.  Do you want to feel and look amazing on the inside and out? Then I suggest reading the manual and start working on your WHOLESTIC Method roadmap to get the guidance and support you need.  Debbie shares her phase one “5-Day Jumpstart Challenge” and her phase two “21-day Challenge” programs.  Learn more how to get started with Debbie’s online coaching program by going to
Transform the WHOLE you from the inside out with the eight elements of the WHOLESTIC Method that author/coach Debbie Potts has created based on 25 years plus of experience and education in the fitness industry as well as multiple interviews from experts on “The WHOLE Athlete” podcast she co-hosts.  The WHOLESTIC Method manual includes a chapter on each of the eight elements that Debbie has discovered improve your fat loss, health and performance in life and sports:
1. Nutrition
2. Exercise
3, Sleep
4. Stress
5. Movement
6. Digestion, Gut Health & Hormones
7. Hydration
8. Happiness 
In “The WHOLESTIC Method” workbook, Debbie helps guide you to find your “WHY” and create a personal roadmap towards improving the WHOLE you for optimizing fat loss, health and performance.  There is not a “one size fits all” approach when searching for solutions and a WHOLESTIC plan to help you get the results you have been searching for years.  Do you want to feel and look amazing on the inside and out? Then I suggest reading the manual and start working on your WHOLESTIC Method roadmap to get the guidance and support you need.  Debbie shares her phase one “5-Day Jumpstart Challenge” and her phase two “21-day Challenge” programs.  Learn more how to get started with Debbie’s online coaching program by going to   

The Arivale Journey: Genetic Testing

I have been apart of a scientific wellness program called to help improve our health from the inside out with scientific findings from blood, gut biome, saliva and genetic testing.
“Arivale is not about short-term fixes. Wellness is a lifetime journey, and we’re here to give you the roadmap to help optimize your wellness for right now—and for years to come. We know data by itself can be paralyzing, so we pair you with a dedicated Arivale Coach who’ll get to know you on a personal level—your hopes, fears, motivations, and dreams—and help you navigate the data, understand what it means, and most importantly, put it to use. This is not a few rushed minutes in some sterile office. We’re here to empower you to make the changes you need to live well.”

here is a glimpse of my genetic testing and results… I know can see what supplements I need as well as my ability to withstand stress.

LPL: rs328 =LPL codes for the lipoprotein lipase enzyme that removes lipids (fats) from the blood.  My results:  You have a genotype which is not known to have an effect on biomarkers for this health dimension.

CC-APOC3, rs5128 = The APOC3 gene encodes a protein called Apolipoprotein C3 that is found in triglyceride and cholesterol-containing particles that circulate in the blood. Apolipoprotein C3 inhibits the breakdown of these fat-rich particles in the blood.  My results: You have a genotype which is not known to have an effect on biomarkers for this health dimension. This impact was recently updated, click here to read more.

AG: CETP,rs708272 = The CETP gene codes for an enzyme that plays a key role in the metabolism of HDL (“good”) cholesterol. This enzyme has also been suggested to be an independent risk factor for coronary artery disease.  My results:  You have a genotype which is not known to have an effect on biomarkers for this health dimension.

GG: ACE- rs4341: The ACE gene codes for an enzyme that helps control blood pressure by regulating the volume of fluids in the body.  My results:  You have a genotype which is not known to have an effect on biomarkers for this health dimension.

AG: AGT,rs699:  The AGT gene codes for a protein involved in maintaining blood pressure.  My results:  You have a genotype which is not known to have an effect on biomarkers for this health dimension.

CC:  PPARG, rs1801282 =  The PPARG gene encodes a protein which is involved in the differentiation of fat cells. It is also involved in the regulation of glucose and fats in the blood.  My results:  Having two copies of the C allele is associated with decreased insulin sensitivity and increased diabetes risk.

CT: TCF7L2, rs7903146:  The TCF7L2 gene encodes a protein that regulates blood sugar. Variants in this gene are thought to influence insulin secretion. My results:  You have a genotype which is not known to have an effect on biomarkers for this health dimension.

AA: FTO, rs9939609 = The FTO gene is expressed in high levels in metabolically active tissues like heart, kidney and brain. Research has suggested that the FTO gene plays a role in appetite regulation and that it is associated with food intake and sense of fullness.  My results:  The A allele is associated with increased obesity risk. Being overweight increases risk for insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

AG: SLC2A2, rs5400 = The SLC2A2 gene codes for a protein known as “Glucose transporter type 2” or GLUT-2. The GLUT-2 protein facilitates the first step in secretion of the blood-sugar regulating hormone, insulin, from the pancreas. Research has suggested that GLUT-2 is a glucose sensor. It is considered to be important in regulating blood sugar after meals, and is involved in food intake and regulation.  My results: You have a genotype which is not known to have an effect on biomarkers for this health dimension.

GG:IL6,rs1800795:  The IL6 gene encodes a member of the large family of small proteins called cytokines. The IL-6 protein plays a crucial role in inflammation by increasing the expression of the CRP gene, which in turn participates in the acute phase response to inflammation and infection.  My results:  You have a genotype which is not known to have an effect on biomarkers for this health dimension.

GT: FADS1,rs174537=  The FADS1 gene encodes one of the key enzymes in polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) metabolism. Variants in this gene are associated with varying blood concentrations of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids. This variant in the FADS1 gene is also associated with cholesterol concentrations.  My results: The G allele is associated with increased enzyme efficiency, which can be associated with higher blood levels of a potentially pro-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acid called arachidonic acid. Talk to your coach about whether it would be appropriate to consume more omega-3 fatty ac. The SOD proteins play a major role in the antioxidant defense system by destroying the free radicals that are normally produced within cells and are damaging to biological systems.  My results:  People with one or two copies of the G allele who do not eat enough fruits and vegetables may be at increased risk of developing disease, including certain cancers. Although it is not possible to quantify the risk or the extent to which the risk can be reduced, you may wish to ensure an adequate intake of antioxidants through diet and/or supplements.

ids to help maintain a healthy balance of fats in your bloodstream.

GG: TNF,rs1800629 =The TNF gene codes for a small pro-inflammatory protein that is secreted by both immune cells and fat cells.  My results:  You have a genotype which is not known to have an effect on biomarkers for this health dimension.

GT: NOS3: rs1799983 =The NOS3 gene codes for an enzyme called “nitric oxide synthase, endothelial”, also known as eNOS. This enzyme plays a key role in the regulation of blood vessel tone. It also protects the blood vessels by multiple physiological actions.

The T allele is associated with a reduction in nitric oxide availability in the blood vessel wall, and it has been associated with increasing risk for atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), high blood pressure, and end-stage kidney disease. While it is not possible to quantify the risk or the extent to which the risk can be reduced, you may wish to ensure that your diet has adequate levels of antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids, which may help combat the impact of this variant.

GG-SOD2, rs4880: SOD2 codes for one of the three members of the superoxide dismutase (SOD) protein family

CC:  PPARG, rs1801282 =  The PPARG gene encodes a protein which is involved in the differentiation of fat cells. It is also involved in the regulation of glucose and fats in the blood.  My results:  Having two copies of the C allele is associated with decreased insulin sensitivity and increased diabetes risk.

CT: TCF7L2, rs7903146:  The TCF7L2 gene encodes a protein that regulates blood sugar. Variants in this gene are thought to influence insulin secretion. My results:  You have a genotype which is not known to have an effect on biomarkers for this health dimension.

AA: FTO, rs9939609 = The FTO gene is expressed in high levels in metabolically active tissues like heart, kidney and brain. Research has suggested that the FTO gene plays a role in appetite regulation and that it is associated with food intake and sense of fullness.  My results:  The A allele is associated with increased obesity risk. Being overweight increases risk for insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

CC, SOD3-rs1799895: The SOD3 gene encodes for EC-SOD, one of the members of the superoxide dismutase (SOD) protein family. The SOD proteins play a major role in the antioxidant defense system by destroying the free radicals that are normally produced within cells and are damaging to biological systems. EC-SOD is especially important for protecting the vascular system from oxidative stress.  My results: You have a genotype which is not known to have an effect on biomarkers for this health dimension.


GSTM1: GSTM1 codes for a member of the GST enzyme family. GST enzymes are involved in phase 2 detoxification of environmental toxins in many different organs. The GST enzyme coded by GSTM1 is very abundant in the liver.  My results: A deletion results in the absence of the enzyme coded by the GSTM1 gene, which may affect the body’s normal detoxification processes. There is an association between absence of this enzyme and increased risk for developing certain cancers, sensitivities to chemicals, and coronary artery disease in smokers. While it is impossible to quantify the extent of risk, or whether the risk can be prevented, you may wish to avoid unnecessary exposure to toxins and eat a diet rich in antioxidants. Increasing intake of cruciferous and allium vegetables will support the glutathione pathway by increasing the activity of other GST enzymes.


GSTT1:  GSTT1 codes for a member of the GST enzyme family. GST enzymes are involved in phase 2 detoxification of internal and environmental toxins in many different organs.  My results: You have a genotype which is not known to have an effect on biomarkers for this health dimension.

AG, GSTP1, rs1695: GSTP1 codes for a member of the GST enzyme family. GST enzymes are involved in phase 2 detoxification of environmental toxins in many different organs. The GST enzyme coded by GSTP1 is most abundant in the lungs where it plays a role in the detoxification of airborne pollutants.  My results: The G allele is associated with decreased activity of the enzyme coded by the GSTP1 gene. This impact is more pronounced if there are 2 copies of the G allele. Decreased activity of the GSTP1 enzyme is associated with the development of diseases influenced by oxidative stress (e.g. heart disease, cancer, neurological disease). While it is not possible to quantify the risk, or the extent to which the risk can be reduced, eating a diet rich in cruciferous and allium vegetables will increase the activity of other GST enzymes which may help lower your risk in this area.

AG, CYP1A1, rs4646903: The CYP1A1 gene encodes an enzyme involved in phase 1 detoxification. This enzyme converts a variety of internal and environmental toxins to reactive molecules that will be recognized by the phase 2 detoxification enzymes. If not eliminated, reactive molecules can contribute to the development and growth of cancer, especially in smokers. My results:  The G allele has been associated with increased CYP1A1 enzyme activity, which may result in increased DNA damage. While it is not possible to quantify the extent of risk, or whether risk can be prevented, you may wish to avoid unnecessary exposure to dietary and environmental toxins and avoid smoking of any kind.

TT, CYP1A1,rs1048943: The CYP1A1 gene encodes an enzyme involved in phase 1 detoxification. This enzyme converts a variety of internal and environmental toxins to reactive molecules that will be recognized by the phase 2 detoxification enzymes. If not eliminated, reactive molecules can contribute to the development and growth of cancer, especially in smokers.  My results:  You have a genotype which is not known to have an effect on biomarkers for this health dimension.

AG, COMT, rs4680:  The COMT gene codes for a protein that is involved in detoxification. In the brain, this protein is involved in the breakdown of certain neurotransmitters, and levels of the protein have been related to both emotional and cognitive functioning. In other tissues, COMT protein participates in the detoxification process of certain hormones, in particular estrogens.  My results: The A allele has been associated with a significant reduction in activity of the COMT enzyme, which can impact the detoxification process of neurotransmitters in the brain and hormones in other tissues. Some studies have associated this variant with increased risk for anxiety or anxiety-related traits, especially in women. People with one or two copies of the A allele may have more difficulty handling stressful situations, or have greater stress hormone increases under stressful circumstances. Incorporating regular stress management practice may help reduce chronic stress. In addition to its effect on stress, reduced COMT activity may increase the risk for developing estrogen-related cancer. Diet and other lifestyle choices are known to influence risks for cancer. Talk to your coach about these lifestyle strategies.

GG, MTRR, rs1801394: The MTRR gene encodes an enzyme that plays a crucial role in the metabolism of homocysteine by regenerating vitamin B12 to its active form.  My results: Research studies have associated the GG genotype with increased risk of premature coronary artery disease in individuals with vitamin B12 levels that are low. You should discuss with your coach ways to ensure adequate dietary intake of folate, vitamin B12 and vitamin B6.

AG, MTHFR, rs1801133, C677T:  The MTHFR gene codes for a key enzyme involved in the metabolism of the B vitamin folate. Folate levels influence blood levels of homocysteine, which has been associated with cardiovascular risk and depression.  My results:  The A allele is associated with lower activity of the MTHFR enzyme. This reduced enzyme activity can result in lower folate levels and increased homocysteine, which may be associated with risk for heart disease and depression. Individuals with one or two copies of the A allele may have increased needs for dietary folate and vitamins B2, B6 and B12 to help maintain optimal homocysteine levels.

TT, MTHFR, rs1801131, A1298C: The MTHFR gene codes for a key enzyme involved in the metabolism of the B vitamin folate. Folate levels influence blood levels of homocysteine, which has been associated with cardiovascular risk and depression.  My results: You have a genotype which is not known to have an effect on biomarkers for this health dimension.

AA, MTR, rs1805087: The MTR gene codes for methionine synthase, an enzyme involved in the metabolism of homocysteine. Homocysteine has been associated with the risk of developing heart disease and depression.  My results:  You have a genotype which is not known to have an effect on biomarkers for this health dimension.

GG, CBS, rs234706: CBS codes for an enzyme that helps regulate homocysteine levels.  My results: You have a genotype which is not known to have an effect on biomarkers for this health dimension.

GG, VDR, rs2228570: The VDR gene codes for the vitamin D3 receptor. VDR accounts for a significant amount of the genetic influence on bone density, since it plays an important role in calcium regulation, bone cell growth and differentiation, and intestinal calcium absorption. My results: You have a genotype which is not known to have an effect on biomarkers for this health dimension.

AA, VDR, rs731236:  The VDR gene codes for the vitamin D3 receptor. VDR accounts for a significant amount of the genetic influence on bone density, since it plays an important role in calcium regulation, bone cell growth and differentiation, and intestinal calcium absorption. My results: You have a genotype which is not known to have an effect on biomarkers for this health dimension.  

CC, VDR, rs1544410:  The VDR gene codes for the vitamin D3 receptor. VDR accounts for a significant amount of the genetic influence on bone density, since it plays an important role in calcium regulation, bone cell growth and differentiation, and intestinal calcium absorption.  My results:  You have a genotype which is not known to have an effect on biomarkers for this health dimension.

CC, COL1A1, rs1800012: COL1A1 codes for a protein, Collagen alpha-1(I) chain I, which is needed to make type I collagen. Collagens are the most abundant proteins in our body. They provide strength and support to many tissues including bone, cartilage, skin, and tendon. Type I collagen is the most abundant form of collagen and the major protein of bone.  My results: You have a genotype which is not known to have an effect on biomarkers for this health dimension.

AA, Caffeine Sensitivity, rs762551, CYP1A2 encodes an enzyme that is involved in the metabolism of caffeine. Variants in this gene can impact how individuals respond to caffeine in coffee, tea, or other beverages. My results:  Individuals with the AA genotype are fast metabolizers of caffeine.

AA, Lactose Intolerance,rs4988235:  Reduced ability to digest lactose, a sugar common in dairy products, can be due to decreasing levels of the digestive enzyme called “lactase”. The genetic variant reported here is located near the LCT gene that codes for this digestive enzyme and can influence how much of the enzyme is made.  My results:  You have a genotype which is not known to have an effect on biomarkers for this health dimension. The impact of this genotype in non-European populations has been less well studied and additional variants may affect the expression of the LCT gene.  rs1800562:AG and rs1799945:CC, HFE:  Hemochromatosis-The HFE gene encodes the hereditary hemochromatosis protein, which is involved in sensing the amount of iron in the body. This protein plays an important role in how the body regulates iron absorption and storage. The two HFE variants tested here are the variants most commonly found in people with iron overload (hemochromatosis). Note that there are other less common variants that can also cause iron overload that are not included in this report.  My results:  you have a genotype which is not known to have an effect on biomarkers for this health dimension.

I suggest you should sign up for their next year long program …and discover how you can slow the aging process down with their scientic approach to wellness at

Debbie Potts

Lessons from Dr. Weston A. Price

Doctor Weston A. Price (dentist) traveled around the world in the 1930’s to study teeth decay and the health of different cultures.  He discovered many important lessons that we should have followed since then…this a review from my “Nutritional Therapy Practitioner” program module:

  1. A great variety of diets are healthy
  2. There are certain dietary laws that are inflexible and unchangeable
  3. We must get fat soluble factors from animal sources
  4. In order to be healthy, foods must be properly prepared and in their whole forms
  5. Dr.Prices greatest disappointment was that he could not find a vegan culture that was truly healthy
  6. The “Activator X” supplement- Vitamin K2, fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K) are required for health
  7. Cavities and dental damage occurred when the primitive diets were impacted by exposure to commerce- white flour and sugar
  8. Increased rate of diseases occurred when groups stopped obeying laws of nature- started eating dead foods or non-foods (junk)
  9. Quality over quantity foods
  10. Diets varied in cultures but no refined or denatured foods
  11. Cultures all used some type of animal products with some raw
  12. Diets were 4x as high in calcium and other minerals and 10x amount of fat soluble vitamins as the modern diet
  13. Primitive communities diet included foods with high enzyme content

Watch this video on Dr. Weston A. Price




What are the benefits of Ketosis?

What are ketones and what is ketosis?


When we think of the body’s natural fuel source, we think of glucose, or sugar. We know that our body needs to use sugar as a fuel, but what many people don’t realize is that fats can be an equally, and even superior, fuel source to the body. The process of ketosis refers to the body’s ability to use fats as its primary source of energy, over glucose.

When the body burns fat, it produces three bi-products of fat breakdown:

  • β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB)
  • Acetoacetate (ACA)
  • Acetone.

The bi-products are called Ketones. This is a naturally occurring process and it’s what allows our bodies to survive during times of food restriction. When an individual begins to follow a low carbohydrate diet, the body has to look for another fuel source, and it turns to fatty acids and fat stores to provide that much needed energy. The liver breaks down the fat, and releases ketones into the blood to be used by the brain and other organs to produce energy.

The interesting thing about ketones is that BHB may be a more efficient source of fuel for the brain than glucose, and because ketones are water-soluble substances, any excesses are eliminated through the urine (BHB and ACA), or the breathe (acetone).


The ketogenic diet first became popular as a treatment for seizures in children suffering from epilepsy, and the neuro-protective benefits of ketones came to light. As research into the process of ketosis expands, the list of benefits just continues to grow.

Blood Sugar Balance:  This is one of the more popular, and desired, benefits from ketones. Ketones have been found to improve insulin sensitivity, lower and normalize blood sugar levels, contribute to an increased state of satiety and decrease food cravings. Individuals with high levels of ketones have been able to step away from the main-stream dieting idea that 6-meals per day must be the norm. Due to the increased level of satiety, you just eat when you’re hungry. No more calorie counting or food measuring!! All with significant weight loss benefits.  The improvement in blood sugar levels may also explain why ketones have been shown to benefit type II diabetics and women suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Energy levels and athletic performance have also shown significant improvement with higher levels of ketones. Ketones play a role in improved blood flow. They appear to enhance the function of the mitochondria (our energy power house), cause blood vessels to dilate, and lead to improved oxygen capacity, which can enhance athletic performance and improve motor performance. This is why ketones are often referred to as a “super fuel.” Ketones are also a powerful antioxidant, they have an anti-catabolic effect and help to preserve and promote muscle mass. Ketones have also been associated with an increase in branch chain amino acids (BCAA), which play a role in muscle growth.

Brain Health and more benefits…

The list of benefits from ketones is exhaustive. In addition to the weight loss effects and enhanced energy and muscle performance, ketones have been positively associated with:

  • Migraine treatment
  • Neuro-protective benefits in seizure disorders; ADHD; Alzheimer ’s disease, memory and cognitive function; Parkinson’s Disease and Multiple Sclerosis
  • Autism and improved behaviour and social impacts
  • Mood stabilization in bipolar disorder (type II)
  • Stroke prevention; cardiovascular disease; metabolic syndrome management; improved cholesterol levels

The benefits of ketones are obvious, so the question remains – what is the best way to increase your ketone levels?

 The moral of the story? Ketones are something from with we can all benefit. The best part is that now we have an option to get them, without having to stick to the tough dietary guidelines. So throw out your low-fat yogurt, get off the yo-yo diet bandwagon, and give it a try.

-Dr. Andi from

Learn more about the benefits of Ketosis for the brain and more benefits…



What are the basics and the benefits of being in ketosis?

The first consumer product to provide elevated blood ketone levels

to the body…Pruv-it.

Keto//OS… the first natural consumer product to provide elevated blood ketone levels to the body.  But why would you want to have higher ketone levels in the first place?  And what are ketones you ask?  Well it is not what you think- diabetic ketoacidosis-as that is different.ur society has become addicted to sugar, convenience factory made processed foods and excess carbohydrates.  Our body only needs so many carbohydrates to store up in the liver and muscle glycogen tanks…beyond that excess carbohydrates/glucose is shuttled by our fat storing hormone insulin to fat stores.  When we eat too many carbohydrates – especially without the presence of healthy fats and clean proteins- then we spike up our blood sugar levels.  When our blood sugar levels are too elevated then the hormone insulin is activated to come save the day and do his job… lower the blood sugar levels.  But what do you think happens to the excess carbohydrates/sugars in the bloodstream?  Where do they go if we don’t need the energy immediately?  Fat cells.  We get fat from eat sugar…but if we eat healthy types of fat we actually will train our bodies to burn fat for fuel!

So when we consume carbohydrates our body become dependent on that fuel source- or stores them in the liver and muscles as glycogen.  Then we have back up reserves for energy – the glycogen stores are available for emergency or extended period of fasting.   So what happens if we decrease the amount of carbohydrates we consume and limit the amount available to the body to use for fuel as well as fueling the brain?  Ketosis.  When you are in ketosis- you will force your body to breakdown fat for fuel – called lipolysis and beta-oxidation to produce what is called acetyl–CoA.  The acetyl-CoA is used in the liver to produce ketone bodies for energy.

These ketone bodies are then used as the primary source of energy for your body.  One of the main signals of being in ketosis is the smell of acetone on your breathe or in your urine since ketone body acetone can’t be processed by the body so it is excreted through our urine. Once you are in ketosis then your body will be burning fat to produce ketone bodies that we need for energy and for brain health.  As we get accustomed to depending on ketones for fuel- the longer we will be in a fat burning state …just think of it as using kindling versus large logs for fueling the fire.

We don’t want to count calories – nor count carbs but to get started it helps to become more aware of how many carbohydrates we are consuming daily.  The Pruvit supplement provides the ketones we need to get into a ketosis state (see more at

Exogenous ketone supplementation
vs the ketogenic diet –

From the pruvit website:

“The ketogenic diet is not new, and has been in practice for many years. It involves following a low carbohydrate (5-10%), moderate protein (15%-30%) and high fat (60%-75%) diet. The problem with the ketogenic diet is that many people find it quite restrictive and difficult to follow. This creates a problem for those who want to benefit from elevated ketone levels, especially children. In the past, dietary changes were the only way to bring your body into a state of nutritional ketosis.  However, today, we have access to the first exogenous ketone supplement, KETO//OS. The supplement blends BHB ketones with medium chain fatty acids, providing the body with ketones, without the need to follow a strict ketogenic diet. Studies are finding that supplementation with ketones is superior to the ketogenic diet. Even while following a Standard North American Diet (SAD), individuals are still experiencing the benefits of ketones via supplementation. However, it is thought that following a lower carbohydrate diet, not necessarily a strict ketogenic diet, will enhance the benefits of the ketone supplements, as your body becomes even more adept to using the ketones are a source of fuel.”

Please keep in mind that there is a definite different between nutritional Ketosis and Ketoacidosis ….

Ketoacidosis = High blood sugars can progress to ketosis (build-up of ketones) in the body. Ketosis can lead to acidosis, which is a condition in which the blood has too much acid. When this happens it is known as diabetic ketoacidosis. This is a medical emergency and must be treated immediately by medical professionals

Dr. Richard Feinman, to tell us what is the difference between Ketosis vs. Ketoacidosis:


So what is the distinct difference between the two? Both are a condition of high levels of ketone bodies in the blood but one is life threatening and one is not. So why would this be?

1. Ketone bodies in the blood is called ketosis. Ketone bodies in the urine, which is the common way we measure them, is called ketonuria.
2. Ketone bodies are acids.
3. Blood contains several acids, phosphoric acid, carbonic, and these are neutralized (buffered) by the sum of acids and bases.
4. If acid levels exceed a certain point, that is called acidosis.
5. Because ketone bodies are also acids, they could contribute to an acidosis at very high levels. This is referred to as ketoacidosis and like any acidosis is dangerous.
6. Any ketosis might be considered “high” because modern man is rarely in a state of prolonged fasting.
7. Ketosis is the normal response to starvation or dietary carbohydrate restriction.
8. The ketosis from starvation or carbohydrate restriction is regulated by hormones and other metabolic effects to prevent over-production, that is, prevents ketoacidosis.
9. If the regulation breaks down for some reason, notably untreated type 1 diabetes (insulin is a major regulator of ketone body production), then you can have over-production or ketoacidosis.
10. Ketone bodies are normal because not having food all the time was normal. That is why we call ketone bodies “food of our ancestors.”

Minor note.
1. The ketone bodies are acetoacetate, beta-hydroxybutyrate. These are the physiologic ketone bodies. Acetone can be produced non-enzymatically and is also considered a ketone body.
2. The term “ketone” is commonly used in discussing the more precise term “ketone bodies.” Organic chemists, curmudgeonly professors and others think it is a good idea to be precise because ketone is a particular type of compound (acetone is one) of which there are an infinite number and, oddly, one of the ketone bodies (beta-hydroxybutyrate) is not actually a ketone. The other acetoacetate is chemically both a ketone and an acid.

Here is a good paper on low carb diets/ketosis.

If you follow the ebb and flow of the dietary industry, then you have probably heard of the term “ketosis,” “ketones,” or “the ketogenic diet.” You generally hear reference to them when we talk about low-carb, higher fat diets. In a society where low-fat/no-fat is pretty much the accepted standard, this whole low-carb/high-fat concept can seem a little… out there. Especially when there is so much confusion about what ketones are and what they do. THEN, I start talking about the possibility of supplementing with ketones – and people get even more confused. So let’s unpack all of this, learn a little more about ketones, and why taking a supplement might actually be a good thing.


Blood sugar challenge…30 days or more!?

Do you wonder what you resting blood sugar levels are each day?  Or what happens to your blood sugar after you eat a snack or a meal?  What about after exercise?

Well I am going to do a self-study test for 30 days or more as my genetic test shows that I am prone to type two diabetes.  Even though I feel better on a lower carb/higher fat food plan- sometimes I get headaches after eating so I need to know what combinations of macronutrients are best for me to balance out my blood sugar levels.

Try adding ketones that you can drink to help you get the benefits of ketosis without having to go very low carbohydrate…

Here is what I ordered on Amazon and using each day… bonus it has an app and bluetooth compatible so your records are all organized into the app.


Active1st TrueMetrix Complete Diabetic Blood Glucose Testing Kit, 10 Test Strips, 100 Lancets, Adjustable Lancing Device, Owners Log Book & Manual

How to become a fat burning machine

How to become a fat burning machine

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