How many times do you have your phone in front of you at a meal?  How about when eating with others at a restaurant?  Today I was on my morning Sunday long run and passed a popular breakfast place.  I noticed almost every table had at least one person looking at their cell phone.  Now I was not inside the restaurant so I was not able to hear if they were looking something up on their cell phone regarding their conversation or if they were distracted reading emails or checking social media on their phone while they were with company.

We are losing the ability to communicate and connect with our friends and family because we are looking at our cell phones instead of being present with the company around us.new_size

Take my challenge:

The next time you are dining out with friends and family ask everyone to keep their cell phones in their pocket, jacket, bag or purse with the volume off.  Not even the notification beeps and whistles.  Now if you need to pull out your phone briefly to look up an event or write down a date then it may be okay for a moment then put the phone away.

We need to re-learn how to survive without a cell phones and being distracted when spending time with our friends and family members.

Are you able to keep your phone off the dinner table?

Take the challenge!  phone_380x400_textCoach Debbie Potts

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